Sunday Service 9:00 am


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Don't Bow

Unless you have been living on Mars for the past few years, it is obvious that our nation (and the world) is going through a major cultural transformation. The world is changing every day, and most of it not for the better. Mass media and the entertainment industry seems void of morality, medical and health care issues are crossing ethical boundaries, the shifting political environment is more toxic than ever before, moral relativism and a rejection of the truth of God have captivated so many.

More than ever, there has been a pressure put on the believer in Christ to accept this secular morality and to be a part of it or else become labeled as a stumbling block to progress and a phobia-laden outsider. But these are not the only choices we have. We have another choice… we’re not going to bow to the pressures and threats of a chaotic world seeking to intimidate us into conformity.

One day many years ago, three young men were being forced to conform to the society around them by bowing to an image of gold. They were threatened with death in a fiery furnace if they didn’t conform and succumb to the intimidations that seemed to enslave the whole population. Their answer to the king was, “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. But even if He doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up!”

They did not bow to the prevailing culture nor did they get caught up in the expectations of a dark world. The faithfulness of God came through “in” the fire as they were thrown in the furnace but experienced the delivering presence of a holy God that saved them, protected them and promoted them. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.” Psalm 91:2… Don’t bow to the pressures of this world to accept what we should never accept. God is with you to deliver, protect and cause you to stand. He is with you… especially “in” those fires! It’s going to be ok!