Sunday Service 9:00 am


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Keep Rowing

Keep Rowing

“Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1 NIV)

One of the reasons that I look forward to Summer is that I get to row around the lake near my home in my big red canoe. Sometimes I paddle alone as my son David follows in his kayak or sometimes I take my grandchildren out as we look for frogs, turtles and ducks. The ride on a canoe is smooth and peaceful… except when the wind blows hard. When the wind blows, it can take control of the canoe and take it in the opposite direction you are paddling. Sometimes there is nothing to do except to stop paddling and let the wind take it where it will… hoping that as the wind dies down, you can get back on course. But even in a strong wind, if you keep the tip of the canoe pointed straight ahead into the wind and keep paddling, you can avoid being turned around ending up on the other side of the lake.

Sometimes prayer is like rowing on a windy day. We start out well paddling our canoe of prayer in the right direction, then the winds of distraction, discouragement and doubt start to blow vehemently. If we allow it, those winds will take the tip of the canoe and turn us in another direction. That is the time where we must keep the nose of the canoe pointed directly into the wind, not turning to the left or to the right and praying fervently and consistently with the help of the Holy Spirit. The winds of the world will always take us off course, but let God’s Word be our compass and “True North” and we will be able to pray through and face with confidence, any winds that arise to take us off course!

I found out that when I have no strength to keep paddling in the roughest winds, the Holy Spirit is there with me helping me to paddle as I should… helping me to pray as I should… always keeping my canoe pointed in the right direction… “always praying and never giving up”! Keep rowing!