Sunday Service 9:00 am


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Bread of Life

“ I am the Bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst,” John 6: 35

Israel once asked in their unbelief if God could furnish a table in the wilderness (Psalm 78:19)… questioning if God could provide for them in a difficult place. In Psalm 23, David spoke of God preparing a table before him in the presence of his enemies… again, a table set by God in a hard place. Both these scriptures speak of a table set by God, in His faithfulness, to provide for the needs of His people. All we ever need is always given to us through Christ. He is all that we need in every situation. He fulfills, satisfies and is the answer to what we’re looking for.

Jesus is the “Bread of Life” that nourishes us and supplies what we need so we never hunger or thirst. He sustains us. But sometimes, if we don’t come to His table of intimacy and new life, we may lack or even be spiritually malnourished. That happens when we do not feed daily on Christ… when we are drawn away from His table. We become weak and vulnerable and a spiritual deficiency sets in.

Spiritual malnourishment can also set in when we choose what I call “spiritual junkfood”… things that have no spiritual value, no holy nutrients yet may taste good at the time. It clogs the spiritual arteries and causes a degenerative affect in the inner man.

And lastly, we can be spiritually malnourished when we look for those “food rushes”… those highs and experiences that taste so good but are short lived and empty… all junk and no substance.

Come to the Lord’s table and stay. Let Him nourish you daily in His Word, in prayer and in His presence. Psalm 78:24 states that “He rained down manna upon them”. Let Him do the same for you. Let the “Bread of Life” be your life! You will find what you are looking for and He will fill you and cause a strength and spiritual vitality to sustain you. “He satisfies the desire of every living thing”(Psalm 145:16). You are invited to a very special table set for you by Jesus so come and “be nourished in the words of faith…” (1Tim.4:6)