Sunday Service 9:00 am


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Spiritual Authority in our Homes

Spiritual Authority in our Homes

“While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the Word”. (Acts 10:44)

God will always respond to our prayers and our faith when it comes to our homes and families. In Acts 10, there is a Roman Centurion named Cornelius. He was a devout man, feared God with all his family, gave alms generously and prayed continually. He was a family man who desired Christ to be the center of his family. In response to his prayers, God sent an angel to assure Cornelius that God heard his prayers and to send for the Apostle Peter. God made a way for Peter to come to Cornelius’s house. When Peter got there, all of Cornelius’s family was there as he fell down and worshipped Peter. He said that they were all there in the presence of God to hear all that Peter was to say as commanded by the Lord. Amazingly, while Peter was speaking, God responded in a powerful way. The Holy Spirit was poured out on these Gentiles and they spoke in tongues praising God. All of Cornelius’s household were blessed and changed by the Holy Spirit.

Thank God for the Cornelius’s who pray for their families continuously! By one man, a household was changed, saved and filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Unfortunately, so many homes today are more under the influence of the world other than the influence of God’s Word. Many homes have little or no evidence that that home is centered on Christ affecting the daily life of the family. When that happens there is strife, division, worldly pursuits and an invasion of a sin-sick culture in the home. But when Christ is the center of the home there is peace, true joy, family stability, purpose, spirit led problem solving, forgiveness and the clear expression of love. The Spirit works wonders when parents are in unity, prayerful and devoted to God. The Holy Spirit not only reveals Christ to us but also draws us to Him to separate us from the world. All the “pulls” of the world in a family fade away when a passionate devotion and love for God exists in the home.

Cornelius sought God and God responded in a powerful way… He will do the same for you and your family. Have faith in God!